Oscar, Oscar, Oscar....

For those not familiar with the motion picture industry, today marks the first official day of the Oscar race. This morning, Mira Sorvino came out of her cocoon from Mimic to announce the nominations for this year's best films. Starting tomorrow, every Hollywood studio in the 'race' will begin pouring millions of ad dollars in Variety and the Hollywood Reporter to convince a bunch of old crusty Academy farts to vote their way. In turn, they hope this will result in selling a few more movie tickets, getting some bragging rights, and earning industry 'cred' in 'tha wood.'
Having seen most of the films nominated in the major categories (Crash, Munich, Hustle & Flow, Cinderella Man, History of Violence, North Country, Syriana), I can honestly say that I'm a little disappointed.
All I can keep asking myself is, where the hell is this guy?

I think the academy dropped the ball big time. The big hubbub immediately after the nominations was that Russell Crowe was robbed for not being recognized for his performance in Cinderella Man. Piss on this tantrum throwing, phone hurling Aussie. What about ol' Bale? This dude went from a walking skeleton in The Machinist to a jacked up badass mofo in a few months for Batman Begins, totally invigorating and saving an otherwise dead Batman franchise. His performance embodied Bruce Wayne and his transformation into the Dark Knight, giving hope to millions that the Batman legacy wouldn't end with George "Nipple Armor" Clooney and Arnold "Governator" as Mr. Freeze.
Booooo! Bad Academy, BAD!