The Snapshot, vol.1

Every few weeks I'll be posting a snapshot of what I'm currently 'feelin' at the moment, whether it be the latest book, movie, game, etc. You feelin it? No? FO!
What I'm reading: Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America, and the New Face of American War
A powerful read from an embedded journalist's perspective of Desert Storm 2, as he follows Marines' First Recon platoon, the tip of the spear of US operations in Iraq, through its drive to Baghdad. Talk about FUBAR.
What I'm hearing: Neil Young
Sadly, I've up til now only 'heard' of his music, but never 'listened' to it. I'm finally catching up to what the baby boomers have been proclaiming for years- probably the only guy who can sound like he has his testicles in a vice, yet still rocks, and rocketh hard he does.
What I'm watching on TV: 24
Keifer Sutherland continues to raise his stock price to levels not seen since his days dating Julia Roberts and for his role in The Lost Boys. Although he was robbed at the Golden Globes by that english asshole on 'House', he's vindicated at the SAG Awards tonight taking the best actor for a TV drama.
Latest film seen: Munich
Decent flick, but dragged on a bit. Not the high caliber thriller drama I was anticipating. Eric Bana has still yet to pull himself out of the manure pit he dug for himself with Hulk and Troy.
Current game playing: Far Cry: Instincts
Fun FPS, although not very challenging- feral skills are immensely satisfying, but I think it makes you ridiculously unstoppable. Any game than enables you at anytime to swat the enemy 100 feet is bound to have game balance issues.
Current guilty pleasure: Project Runway
Fashion, drama queens, Heidi Klum (albeit pregnant), and gays- what's not to love! Sut up!
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