Packing for a Ski Trip, or the Apocalypse?

I should be packing now, but I'm not. It's not that I'm a procrastinator...well, who am I friggin' kidding. In 24 hours I'll be in Park City Utah with several friends and will begin an eight day ski trip out West. I'm extremely 'stoked' (how that for West Coast powder talk), though, eight days is a long time, and the challenge I face figuring out what should I bring to keep me entertained is a difficult one. My company of friends will be terrific as it's been a several weeks since I've seen many of them (we all had the good fortune of deciding to get sodomized by the New York City real estate market after college and continue to dwell in the surrounding metropolitan area.) One could argue that with great friends, does anyone needs anything else? Hell bloody yes. Verbal human stimulation will only go so far with me. They'll be skiing of course, perhaps I'll try taking up snowboarding...though probably not. But what else could I bring to ensure I make the most of my time away from this bastard place called work? I came up with a short list:
Books? Reading is fun-demental!
Cards and poker chips? With a chance to make this an expense-free trip, why not?
Skiis and boots? If you got 'em use 'em!
Snowshoes? I just got these for my birthday, and if I don't use them now, when will I ever?
Running shoes? If snowshoeing is too slow, I have an plan B.
Hiking boots? If running is too fast, I have a plan C.
Hiking poles? Because people hiking look cooler with poles. Plus I will be prepared to defend myself if perchance I am assaulted by a threatening human, bear, or large rodent of extraordinary size)
Laptop? Because writing on pen and pad is stone age! Welcome to the 21st century son! Plus, my hands miss the feeling of carpal tunnel syndrome if I'm not typing by 10am.
Xbox? Considering my friends don't have Xbox Live, playing 4 way Halo 2 with people who aren't 10th grade racists from Tennessee will be a refreshing change.
Hmmm, looking at this list, bringing all this crap may be a bit of overkill. Considering I'm 5' 8", 160 lbs., (though 100% pure unadulterated muscle....and bones....and fat), once I have everything packed in my bag, including clothes and toiletries, I may resemble something like this:

Poor little tyke.
Or this:
Perhaps I should rethink my list...
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