99 - Double Down?

My question is- does anyone give a rat's ass?
You know it's a slow news day in sports when hockey is on the front page. This time of year is always a little difficult for most sports fans...no fantasy football, baseball is still months away- does anyone still watch basketball with all those egomaniacs and non-respecting, playa hater, ball hogging 'superstars'?
My point is that if the Olympics weren't happening right now, I doubt this story would anything but a fifty word snippet buried next to the horse track results in the paper. I'm a big hockey fan and even I could care less about this. Janet Jones is a rich actress/supermodel, so whatever happens to her, I'm sure she deserves it. Rick Tocchet, I hated that guy when he played for the Philadelphia Flyers, and he looks like pure evil, so in my book he already guilty. At least his orange jumpsuit in 'the pen' will match is Flyers colors from back in the day, so he won't be so out of his element. I wonder Rick if you can request to be #92 at San Quentin, so it'll be just like the old times, sitting in the penalty box, except when the guy sitting in the 'box' with you tells you that you must pee in the toilet sitting down, and that you answer when he calls you Betty.
As for Gretzky, Mr. Golden Boy with the porcelain dentures- how could he possibly be involved in such corruption? He was a NY Ranger. Gimme a break, eh?
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