The theme this weekend seemed to be Winter, with a capital W. How could it not be- there's about 20 inches of the white stuff outside my apartment building and most of the East Coast. The Winter Olympics are all over TV. I'm recovering from a cold (a Winter ailment), and to top it off, the NY Rangers secured the #1 position in their division in the NHL (a Winter sport) going into the Olympic break. I was even compelled to pick up a hockey game for my Xbox this weekend, knowing that I'd be snowbound and worried that my small attention span would drive me bonkers indoors without some fresh Xbox stimulation (I finished
Far Cry Instincts about 2 weeks ago.)
Other than watching the Olympics and playing NHL 2k6, I was also able to dabble into
Flickr. Check out the new module on the right - I plan to add more as I shoot stuff.
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