The Snapshot- Vol. 2


I don't often read fiction, but I needed a break from the political/military genre a bit and this was recommended to me. Incredible read. A man's story of redemption from a childhood experience that haunts him for over twenty years, Hosseini moves, enlightens and immerses you in the rich Afghan culture and history rarely exposed to Americans.

This is one messed up movie. A Korean psychological thriller about a man who one day finds himself locked in a room where he's trapped for fifteen years, the story is a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns that gradually unfolds into one big mind fuck. Not since The Sixth Sense and Se7en have there been so many 'holy shit' moments in a film, this hands down takes the cake. With lots o' graphic violence to boot, this is not a date movie.

I finally saw this film last night in pre-Oscars preparation, and I really enjoyed it. Beautifully shot, thought-provoking in its depiction of two men's struggle to bury themselves behind a facade of the mid-western 'Marlboro Man', what shocked me wasn't the 'man on man' action, but rather that the chick from The Princess Diaries showed her muffins on screen. What would Julie Andrews think!

Any game that I can digitally re-create myself to pummel the crap out of people, I'm sold. As the name indicates, this is the 3rd iteration of the EA Sports boxing franchise. Enhanced features, including more customization in fighting styles and a more balanced gameplay, make this game worth picking up. The analog joystick total punch control system allows you to feel the veracity of the punches you throw, evolving the gameplay experience of this genre to a whole new level. There's nothing more satisfying than throwing down against boxing's best and creating boxers out of people you know and beating the ever loving piss out of them.

All I care about on TV right now is if Santino will win Project Runway in this week's finale.
Chloe, from the looks of it, your designs seem to have an 'marshmallow man' theme to them.
Daniel V., those hand bags you created from 8th grade woodshop class with be your downfall.

I've recently added two new links on my sidebar: Adtunes blog and Song Title Info from TV Commercials. If you've ever caught a commercial and wanted to know what song that was, these links should come in handy. If you find the song and like it enough, drop down $.99 after finding it on iTunes search. My latest grab- Paul Oakenfeld's "Ready, Steady, Go" from Saab's latest spot.
I've loved that Oakenfold tune since it was used by Mann in Collateral, when Cruise goes apeshit on asians in the club.
8:51 PM
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