Sprung Forward While Hungover

Note to self: Avoid signing up for races on the same day as Daylight Savings Time. Also, avoid devouring barbecue jambalaya, pouring pints of alcoholic fluids down the pipes, and sleeping less than six hours the night before. Not a formula for a highly motivating, feel-good morning come race day.
Today was my first competitive race in about eight months- a 6.2 mile "Urban Environmental Challenge," a trail race sponsored by the Van Cortlandt Park Track Club. Granted I felt like utter horse manure, the blue sky and brisk spring temperatures lifted my spirits and kept my bile in check long enough to complete the race in 48:09, which comes out to a little less than an eight minute mile. I was pretty pleased with this performance, considering that this was about the sixth time I ran since November (two of the six were sprints to catch a train to work, so if your really counting- four). My race training follows a pattern similar to that of a grizzly bear's active and dormant hibernation periods. Hopefully now with the additional daylight during the evening and temperatures warming up, this old bear will finally shed some excess fat reserves from winter, venture out of his cave and frolick in the woods...and crap in them.
Eight minute miles are pretty good, I think. I doubt if I'll ever sign up for a race, though, as I'm the world's suckiest runner. I do love getting out there, thouugh. I chug along for a 6-miler almost every week now, and it always takes me a whole hour -- but that's without the BBQ jumbalaya.
8:34 PM
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