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Thursday, March 23, 2006

R.I.P. Chef

It's a sad day in the cartoon world. No, Chuck Jones is already dead. Sorry, Walter Lantz already bit the dust too (coincidentally today is exactly the twelve year anniversary since Mr. Lantz's kicked the bucket).

Yes, the portly, black, love machine/cook with the deep voice, simply known as 'Chef', was fatally wounded yesterday when he fell off a wooden bridge after it caught fire by a sudden bolt by lightening, impaled by a tree branch upon tumbling down the rocky cliff face, shot in the body by rifle fire, mauled by a mountain lion, then by a grizzly bear. For you sickos into snuff films, you can witness the horrible turn of events unfold here:

Not since the death of Maude Flanders on the Simpsons has there been such a devastating loss to the animated character community.

We will miss you jolly old fat man, and your salty balls...even if you're a crazed Scientologist*


*For more back story of the demise of Chef, click here.


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