When Good Actors Work With Music Performers...
...bad things happen. For example, would you go see a movie with Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey? Probably, right? - considering both are Oscar caliber thespians, who last paired up in the incredibly disturbing and mind blowing Se7en. Now add Justin Timberlake and LL Cool J. Not so sure now are you? Now look at this movie poster...

Suddenly, you're thinking how you'd better spend those two hours of your life other than sitting through this cinematic trainwreck, like watching a squirrel decompose. Speaking of decomposing squirrels, what the hell is on Kevin Spacey's head? His picture looks like they took it out of his high school yearbook. Now that I think of it, each of these guys look like they're taken from a different movie- Morgan looks straight outta Shawshank Redemption, LL looks like his character from that horrible shark movie, and Justin...well, he just looks like his usual a-hole self on a cover of Tiger Beat magazine.
Apparently this film was scheduled to be released in 2005, but was shelved due to poor test screenings. No kidding? Now you have a chance to catch the magic on DVD when it's released for home viewing this week.
I'm curious how long it took the cast and crew to realize they were sitting on a mound of diarrhea. Perhaps as soon as they realized LL and Justin weren't playing as themselves in the film?
You can get a sneak peek of this straight to video classic and get instant douche chills watching Morgan Freeman try to dance like Justin Timberlake here.
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