Back from the Land of Stephen King

Kathy and I just returned Sunday from a week long trip to Maine, spending the first half of the week in Acadia National Park, and the second half in the coastal town of Bar Harbor, both part of Mount Desert Island (pronounced 'dessert'). If you love the outdoors, seafood, whale watching, and watching white people (the latter two could be one of the same), this is your kind of town!
To sum it all up, here's a snapshot by day of trip highlights (notice that the trip starts with ultra phyisical activity and descends into pure seafood gourding):
Saturday, June 17
Woke up at the butt crack of dawn, packed up the gear and was on the road by 5am. Not only did we survived my driving, but made the trip in about 8.5 hours, 1.5 hrs earlier than expected. Set up camp, took a stroll of the Blackwoods campgrounds, made beef kababs over a cracklin' fire.
Sunday, June 18
Crazy ass hiking day. Roughly 13.5 miles. Originally planned for 6 miles, then catch the L.L.

Monday, June 19

Tuesday, June 20
Hiked the Ladder Trail (know for it's metal ladders and killer stone steps) and climbed up Dorr Mountain in the morning. Returned to camp for a hot dog lunch. Headed off to Echo Lake in the PM for some sun and semi-frigid lake swimming. More hot dogs and burgers! Finished the camping portion of the trip by heading up to Cadillac Mountain for sunset, which almost didn't happen due to intense thunder booms and fog.
Wednesday, June 21
Checked out of Blackwoods campground and into the Wonderview Inn in Bar Harbor, 15 minutes away. Lucked out with one of the few 2nd floor rooms with a great view of

Thursday, June 22
Started the morning activities early catching the 9am Whale watching trip off the pier. This, I could have passed on in retrospect. We did actually see whales, at least a few spouts and the occaisional fin and tail surfacing, but if you blinked and missed it, the other sight you could have witnessed were the several asians getting seasick in the galley. (Is it a sterotypical fact that asians don't have sea legs? After this trip, that comment would not offend me.) Staying strong for the first three hours, I thought I avoided being asian sea sick victim #5, but during the final two hours, I was almost one of those poor bastards- head between the legs, wearing vomit upon the sleeve and pantlegs. Luckily, I made it through unscathed, managing to catch view of some puffins on the ride back into port. Finished the day getting my land legs back and dining at Galyn's, a local favorite. Lobster linguine was terrific.
Friday, June 23
Breakfasted at Jordan's Restaurant, an old school diner-like establishment famous for their

Saturday, June 24
Visited the quiet side of Mt. Desert Island in Southwest Harbor, taking a mailboat to Little Cranberry Island. Interesting mix of mega estates and semi-impovished farm houses.

Sunday, June 25
Final taste of Maine breakfast at Jordan's Restaurant, then off we go back to NY!
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