Big Geek Paradise 2006 (E3 recap)

On Friday, I returned from what is considered the yearly Mecca of video game geekdom, the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, also known as E3. For those who don't know what E3 is, it's a four day annual conference for the video game industry, where companies from around the world introduce their latest PC and console hardware and software products coming to market, discuss business strategies and analyze current consumer trends, and perhaps most importantly, play games. It's known for its big geeks, big displays, and big bombs, which usually come in the form of booth babes- models dressed up in ridiculous outfits, usually a medieval or science fiction theme, luring people toward their booth for a cheesy photo op. If this all sounds a bit surreal, it is.
After three days, I'm absolutely exhausted. I know, it sounds ridiculous. How can playing video games be tiring? But believe me, walking around for ten hours a day, maneuvering among a sea of overweight and awkward looking men with bad B.O. from Europe, Asia and America, and having your eyes absorb at least fifty giant plasma screen TVs bombarding you with video game footage at any given moment, creates a sensory overload experience like no other place. Am I complaining? Hell's no. This was my second year attending (one of the key pluses for working at my company), and unlike last year- when the buzz was about defining what the hell 'Next Gen' meant, this year proved to be about showcasing actual playable games, hands-on, for the 'big 3' game consoles: Microsoft's Xbox 360, Sony's Play Station 3, and Nintendo's Wii. Flashy game trailers would simply not suffice, and I'm happy to say I was not disappointed.
Here are some personal highlights:
Xbox 360
Dead Rising:

I love zombies- the George Romero films, Shaun of the Dead- classics. The House of the Dead shoot 'em up arcade game- I eat that shit up. The premise of this game is that you're a freelance photojournalist who lands down via helicopter in a small Colorado town to investigate and hopefully break a big story after hearing rumors that there's civil disobedience running amok. It isn't long before you realize that the place is ground zero for the living dead on Earth. You have only a few hours to figure out what started it all before your chopper returns to pick you up, that is, if you survive.
The gameplay is open ended, a la Grand Theft Auto. The entire game takes place in the mall, but the place is ginormous. Although you discover missions to complete, you can easily spend the entire time roaming the mall finding new ways to kill your undead company. Practically anything can be used as a weapon: golf clubs, garbage cans, hangers, stuffed animals, potted plants, TVs, brooms, you name it. Zombie horror, with a strong story line plus innovating killing- this may be the game that drives me to finally buy the 360.
Resistance: Fall of Man

Nintendo Wii

I can't say there was any particular game that stood out for the Wii that I saw that blew me away, but the gameplay functionality of that wacky controller was actually pretty fun. Playing a tennis game where I actually had to swing my joystick like I was using a racket blew my mind. It took some getting used to, but I think there's potential for this console to really add something new to how people play games and how gaming is perceived to the mainstream.
Quick anecdote- I saw an two older people (in their fifties) play this tennis game; the wife stood a bit too close behind her husband playing and received a fierce backhand to the face as he prepared to unleash a wicked forehand volley, whipping the controller backward and cold clocked her unknowingly. She almost fell down the steps and into a sound speaker. I almost pissed myself.
EA made a bold move to release Madden '07 on this platform using the Wii controller. The mechanics and controller functionality seemed like it may take some getting used to, like throwing a pass, kicking a field goal, and giving a stiff arm, but time will tell whether this console will work and bring something new for this monster EA Sports franchise.
It was an incredible trip. If there was any question if I would end up buying an HDTV and a new game console his coming holiday, what I saw in LA this past week squashed that uncertainty right quick.
Did you see this game?
Electronic Arts' new Montreal-based studio finally unveiled its secret project: "Army of Two."
As its name suggests, this game is a two-person cooperative tactical action game that drops players in some of the world's most dangerous hotspots. You play as a solider hired by a private military corporation who must work alongside a fellow fighter (controlled by the game's A.I. or a friend) as you perform deadly missions to keep the world safe.
The game is so photorealistic you'll feel like you could reach into the screen and grab a fistful of dirt from the Middle East. The game is due out sometime in 2007 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
9:57 AM
I saw just a snippet of this game in an EA montage. From what the news has been reporting on this- it looks like it's going to rock.
here's gamespots scoop:
11:32 PM
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