Ma Takes Bauer Down. Down to Chinatown

In last night's season finale, in stunning fashion, China's deputy consul, Cheng Zhi (played by Tzi Ma), strikes back within the final minutes of Jack Bauer's day, roughing him up, kidnapping him, tossing him on a ship to China, and leaving Audrey Raines alone, as she heads to IHOP for a Grand Slam Breakfast for one.
Although I thoroughly enjoyed Day 5, I personally found this season a bit more over-the-top than past seasons for

Kudos for the giving one final zing to a good, but not the best, 24 season (last season was my fave). However, setting up a cliffhanger like this involving the Chinese government definitely redeemed some of the past 24 hour leaps of faith. These next few months leading up to January's premiere should incubate several good theories about what's in store for Day 6. Will a new character be the focus whose mission will be to save Jack? Will Jack be forced to serve as a Double Agent to China? Will Jack find new Asian love in the Orient? We'll have to see.
One final note on 24 this season- pop quiz- what does Tzi Ma (pictured above), have in common with Graham, VP Hal Gardner, and Christopher Henderson? Yep, he too appeared in a Robocop film (refer to 4/25/06 post)! Don't believe me? Check his filmography at IMDB.
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