Pourquoi?! POURQUOI?!?!?!?!

In case you missed the big action at the World Cup Final...besides the shootout:
Can't get enough head? Use the French (now tainted) legend Zinedine Zidane's head to beat down more Italian soccer players here.
Gotta love the soccer...futbol...whatever. Notice that even in violence, he follows the rules of the game by not using his hands to attack.
To Zidane's defense, according to various newspapers, the Italian player he head-butted in the sternum, Milan Materazzi, allegedly verbally instigated the assault, calling Zidane "the son of a terrorist whore" moments before Zidane engaged in his patented 'cranial thrust death touch.'
FIFA is currently in a conundrum, considering that this was Zidane's final game as a professional player, any punishment such as a suspension would be meaningless. Regardless, his future as a marketing vehicle remains intact as long time sponsor Adidas has no plans to drop him. If anything, the incident will make the job of marketing Bald Frenchie that much easier.
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