Fantasy Football Week 1 : 0 and 2. Verdict: My Team Sucks Balls

Granted, I decided on Carolina WR Steve Smith, who has had issues with his hammy during the pre-season, and ended up with another injury on his other hamstring just last week, but even with that bad luck, I think my players have a sixth sense to underperform when I pick them. Even when they do well, I think they still suck. Take last year's Tom Brady. One of the top QBs in the league, and a top pick on my team, Yellow Fever. Ask me what I think about him, and I won't have anything to do with that prick. Why? I can't really say, other than even when he did perform well, my team still lost, so, one can say he's on my shit list by association. Does this make sense, not at all, but it doesn't really matter. Fantasy does makes watching football enjoyable, and even if I end up losing every game, verbally abusing friends for no reason in the message boards is worth the price of admission alone. Hopefully our team this year, Asian Dawn, can rise above the ashes and not suck so bad for week two.
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